The Qube also attunes to the frequency of silica, which is found everywhere in nature and enhances and focuses this energy in a type of echo chamber that rebounds off the “infinite surface and length” antenna construction.Īll aspects of the Qube are built upon the natural algorithms of nature: Fibonacci Series, Golden Mean, bio-geometry, Platonic solids, and many other harmonious frequencies that are programed into the Qube’s broadcasts. The balanced relationship of silica to calcium create continuum for the expression of the needed bioenergetic frequencies. Dynamic tension between surface (flat antennae plates) and multi-phasic arrays (seven stage wire vortex) and harmonized with an infinity uni-directional cap antennae causes the device to receive specifically tuned vibrations and use those frequencies as a base frequency generator upon which to program heterodyned frequencies that cause feedback into human bodies that are within the range of the Qube.

The Qube is, in part, modeled after the functions of the pineal gland and its control of the timing mechanisms of the body. Raising the vibration of silica found in food, into the silica of the pineal gland is similar to the transformative processes of the energy emissions of the Qube.Īs a stationary broadcaster of scalar waves (standing waves), the frequency of the Qube creates a shell, or field of force, like a torus field that grows larger the longer the Qube sits in one place. There are no moving parts in the Qube and it has an internal source of energy that is self-sustaining. Ambient EMF energy adds to the charging energy of the Qube, but is not the source of the harmonic stream of negative ions created by the dynamic effect of scalar waves running over the surface of a regenerative antennae and broadcaster. (A detailed explanation of this is given in The Gospel of Sophia: A Path of Modern Initiation.) The Qube also transduces erratic electromagnetic frequencies into coherent energy that feeds the antennae, boosts the signal, and aligns the broadcasting frequencies of the antenna with the frequency of silica, the most abundant mineral in the human body. The frequency of silica crystals (quartz) is 32,780 hertz (vibrations per second), which is a fractal of two. This frequency is the master control frequency produced by the crystals in the pineal gland which also act as an antenna that broadcasts and receives. We developed the Qube for bio-energetic enhancement and brain wave stimulation as a tool to broadcast a multi-directional piezoelectric scalar field generated through a seven stage multi-phasic collapsed array antenna that utilizes harmonic frequencies, geometries, and planetary signatures relating to human organs, glands, and energy centers (chakras).